Sunday, March 3, 2013


Mothers' day is a special holiday celebrated throughout the world. Proverbs 31 portrays the ideal woman per Christian standards. Compared to the modern day woman, there's a vast difference. The most important aspect for a woman, on any scale, is love. She is to be the heartbeat for the home, setting the pace.

I've been a mother to 30, 60, 90, 260 and 315 children at one time thru the ministry. I've prayed for black eyes, cut lips, children sent out from school due to illness, taught how to tie a show and bake cookies during the Christmas season. I'm not like old Mother Hubbard who didn't know what to do. Jesus showed me what to do - LOVE!

Mothers' Day is a time to recognize and celebrate the family unit. What is the definition of a family unit? Is it by blood relations? Are they people you can count on in a trial? Is it a unit of people filled with love? Do they all have to be healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually? I grew up in a dysfunctional family and have forsaken it all to follow after Jesus. On August 3rd I became born again into Gods' kingdom. My family is of the kingdom of God.

Motherhood is a great honor. A woman gets to raise the children, shaping their personalities. The future of a country is in their children. This means, from a broader perspective, women are in control of the country. Jesus was a liberator in His time. Jesus knew all this about a woman. Perhaps that's why He chose the 1st Evangelist (John 4:27-29) and 1st Preacher (John 20:17) to be women. Jesus had told the disciples to not tell anyone about Himself. (Matt. 16:13-20) He wanted it to stay a secret until the time was right. Upon the right timing to release a secret, God chose a woman to be the 1st to tell the Good News. In the 20th century mankind started to catch up to Jesus and His wisdom. Women have been presidents and held other prestigious government offices throughout the world.


Thank You Jesus for being a liberator of women.

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