Tuesday, May 27, 2014


GENTLE READERS: GOD HAS BLESSED WITH ANOTHER YEARS' NOMINATION FOR THE RARE LIFE EAGLE AWARD. I RECEIVED AN EMAIL STATING ...candidate and story have been approved for inclusion in The Rare Life Award. PLEASE GO TO www.eaglerarelife.com. ACCORDING TO THEIR POLICY "You can vote once every 24 hours,..." BEING A PART OF A CONTEST MEANS "regular reminders are key to spreading the word and growing...numbers. Please consider promoting me, your candidate-REV CAROL, on Facebook and Twitter and your online friends. Please don't forget to reach out through communication channels/newsletters/SMS messages/e-mail blasts/ blogs/pokes/bulletin boards/etc. THE FOLLOWING IS A FORM LETTER RARE LIFE SENT FOR YOU TO USE IN SPREADING THE WORD: Dear Friends: I support the nomination of REV. CAROL for the Rare Life Award, presented by Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This honor is given to those who exhibit Courage, Leadership, Survival, Heroism, Devotion and/or Character. Winners will receive a medal, presented at a reception given in their honor, and be featured in Eagle Rare promotional materials. Please visit www.eaglerarelife.com and vote for REV. CAROL. You can vote once every 24 hours, so vote often! And please help spread the word through your social networks and friends. Thank you, (YOUR NAME) LET'S MAKE THIS A TEAM EFFORT FOR JESUS. I'LL GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY WHEN I WIN. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS, REV CAROL

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