Thursday, March 26, 2015


Miracles are there for the taking. God is a good God,  He is generous to everyone.  All a Christian has to do is be aware of Gods' loving hand around them.  For example I generally see at least one miracle in a week, if not more.  Today I was outside and the wind started.  I asked God to stop the wind. In a few minutes the wind was gone.

I woke up today, that was a blessing in itself.  Some people die in their sleep.  Do you know your heart stops when you sneeze?  For you to start breathing and your heart to start again is a miracle in itself,
Yesterday I got a text from someone needing prayer.  In a few hours they text back having their healing.
Today while writing I got a text.  Someone needing prayer.  I was obedient and prayed.  The Holy Spirit had me pray certain items I nornally don't pray.  After the prayer, God confirmed His word in what I had prayed about with a text.  That in itself is a miracle=God gave a Word of Knowledge for the prayer and then proceeded to give confirmation according to Is. 65:24 and Jer. 33:3.

There you have it!  "Miracles there for the taking."  And it just turned 12PM.  What lies ahead for the rest of the day?...Only God knows  Be an open vessel to Gods' Holy Spirit.  Let the Holy Spirit live through you, speak through you, do everything through you.  This will help a Christian to become aware of Gods' loving hands around them and to start seeing the miracles in their life.

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