Saturday, December 3, 2011



Rev. Carol

Jesus died at the cross to make you special this Christmas. He considers you so valuable He died for you. In the Bible we are called many names being a Christian that are names of endearment. In Is. 43 God says we are Precious to Him, so much so that He will give men in return for our life. God cherishes us, and our relationship with Him each Christmas. In a scripture above the same Chapter of Is. God says "Fear not, for I have redeemed you (ransomed you by paying a price instead of leaving you captive); I have called you by your name; you are Mine." In Rev. we have a new name as we belong to Jesus, this is the name God is talking about. This is cross referenced with Ps. 78:24 and Is. 62:2.

God has given me different spiritual names as He has given me graduations in the Spirit: Daughter of Zion, Greatly Loved And Dearly Prized, Jeshurun and Dearly Beloved. I had an old boyfriend call me Precious, that is not the same, he gave me a nickname. Ask God of His opinion of you this Christmas, don't be afraid. He may give you a name and one thing I know for certain; God will give you His opinion with His love and through His blood.

God calls us Israel since we have been adopted by Him, and are victorious over satan and mankind according to Is. 49:3. We can be called a Root from Jesse, we have the same blood line as King David King Solomon and King Jesus (Matt. 1:5-6). A good name describing our heritage is to be a Child of the King, Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of the Lords as described in Rev. 19:16. We are called Chosen and Faithful since we are willing to fight with Jesus against satan (Rev. 17:14). In IPet. 2:9 we are given names as: a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, An Holy Nation, a Peculiar People. It's good to know you're Chosen by God, and Royal to Him. You can celebrate Christmas with style. God calls you Holy, meaning set apart from the world. The word Peculiar is expressed better in Ps. 135:4 as we are called a Peculiar Treasure.

The first believers to be called Christian are described in Acts 11:26. We are called to the Sheep of His pasture according to Ps. 100:3. In Is. 5:1 we are called a Vineyard to God, meaning His chosen people which corresponds with Is. 27:2-6. We can have the faith of Abraham and be called a Friend of God as in Jas. 2:23. When we get involved with helping alot of people, He looks at us as a Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). Other names for the Righteous are: Jewels in Mal. 3:17, Vessels Of Gold And Silver from IITim. 2:20, Stones Of A Crown in Zech. 9:16, Calves Of The Stall stated in Mal 4:2, Pomegranates in Song of Solomon 2:2, Trees Planted By Rivers according to Ps. 1:3, Soldiers in IITim. 2:3-4 and a Runner In A Race stated in ICor. 9:24. The burden I have for Christmas is for you to know you are Special to God, you are made in His image. No one can be like you. You are a one of a kind, and God has a plan for your life. See yourself as Jesus does, SPECIAL OR EVEN EXTRA SPECIAL OR EXTRAORDINARILY EXTRA SPECIAL.

May God continue show you His love in EXTRAORDINARILY EXTRA SPECIAL WAYS this CHRISTMAS.

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