Wednesday, December 24, 2014


In France they have two seasonal greetings. One is for the believer and the other is for the non-believer.  "Joya Noela" is Merry Christmas. "Bone Fete " is for the non-believer.  This makes it easy to identify who is a  Christian or not. The Muslims are bold about their faith, thus there is fierce spiritual battle.

Some Muslim women are bold and cover their faces. This is against the law.  At those times I claim the anointing from 9/11and address the sin to the law--breaker. This falls in line with Ezek. 33 as a Watchtower. They usually walk away, without repenting. Other times I have found myself in a Muslim owned store. When I say I'm American, they get afraid. When  I talk about 9/11 there are mixed responses. Some are ready to fight.

France is a tough country. In 2005 AlQaeda tried to send another 9/11 from Paris. The authorities found a name on a passenger list who was involved in' the ground work of 9/11. Paris was on alert until Easter that year.

Mix this attitude with their monthly strikes - and you get a volatile country. In other words, France needs Jesus. I pick up in the spirit a lot of people are afraid - lack of money, sexual turmoils, terrorism, and may more cultural battles. Jesus can set them free from all of these chains of Satan. May God help France in 2015.

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